Prominy SR5 Rock Bass

119 TTC

Plug ins instrument de guitare électrique MusicMan® StingRay.


Prominy SR5 Rock Bass c’est le son d’une MusicMan® StingRay dans votre lecteur Kontakt 5, pour composer et créer des pistes de guitare qui imitent de façon bluffante le jeu naturel d’un guitariste à partir de votre clavier.

SR5 Rock Bass propose de vrais accords joués et qui s’adaptent à la tonalité du jeu en live, la détection de Stroke automatique, des KeySwitch assignables, de nombreux détails de jeu, réalistes comme les bruits des picking, le tout parfaitement samplé sur toutes les cordes et toutes les frets.

Une jouabilité en live particulièrement réaliste par la technologie du « SC SPM » (Super Performance Multi) grâce à laquelle vous pouvez jouer des parties de basse ultra réaliste en temps réel. Vous pouvez également avoir accès aux nombreuses techniques de jeu sans vous arrêter et créer des pistes de basse convaincantes.

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Types de jeux disponible

Realtime Legato Slide
Realtime Hammer-on & Pull-off
Realtime Trill
Realtime picking Tremolo
Mute & picking noise
Gliss down
Natural Harmonics
Fret noise
Tap noise
Pick stop noise
Bridge mute noise
Release noise
Special FX, noises

Fretboard Monitor
The SPM automatically selects a proper string / fret position depending on the situation. You can also change the string manually by key switches. The Fretboard Monitor visualizes the current fret position / playing technique you are playing.

Auto Stroke Detection
With SPM´s Auto Stroke Detection feature, SPM automatically detects the current beat position and identify proper stroke direction (down or up). There are several stroke detection modes and you can also control stroke direction manually.

Assignable Key Switch
All the SPM instruments have Assignable Key Switch feature which enables you to assign any key switches to each SPM instrument. You can combine any SPM instruments to SPM multi as needed and assign key switches, and create your own SPM setting.

Low note samples included
SR5 Rock Bass captures MusicMan® StingRay®5; one of the most popular 5 string bass guitar among bassists. SR5 includes the lower note samples (low B – low D#) and is suitable for a wide range of musical genres; Modern Metal, Death Metal, Nu Metal, Metalcore, Rock, Pop, and so on.

Realtime Legato Slide
With SR5´s Realtime Legato Slide feature, you are able to get perfectly real expressions of the human finger´s legato slide which can not be reproduced with slide emulation by changing pitch.

Direct signals from the bass guitar
You can make your own guitar sound so it suits the music genre you´re working with by adding your favorite amplifier simulator.

Picking noises are recorded on all frets and strings
Picking noises made while playing a guitar is one of the most important characteristics that identify a live guitar recording. That is why we took great care in capturing many variations of picking noises. Adding these noises, with consideration to timing and picking style, will make your guitar tracks sound natural. When you use picking noise sampled from a different position of the fret board than the one you´re applying it to, the result is an unnatural sound because the noise will not harmonize with the original note´s sustain sound.

Découvrez la SR5 Rock Bass en vidéo


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